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It’s been such a long time since I wrote a personal blogpost. After almost 8 months since starting visual strands and not having skipped a single month (yay), I just wanted to share a little something with you.

Yvonne, your Mouseblossom is showing

(okay, that sounded better before I wrote it down) On my previous blog called Mouseblossom I used to share more personal and ‘fun’ things but on visual strands, also because there are more contributors, I felt like I couldn’t really do that: it wouldn’t be good enough, everything has to be super inspiring??? Yeah. Trying to get over myself.

I recently invited someone for an interview, to which they replied: “But are you sure my work is good enough? Everything is so beautiful (there).” Wow.

I’ve received so many compliments from people I admire and so many talented and inspiring people have already contributed so far (and more have confirmed!), which is humbling I can tell you. And then there was this nomination, I mean seriously. Such a compliment to even be considered one of the ten best Beginner blogs (update: visual strands didn’t make it to the shortlist. Aw, right? But I’m still just really proud!). Yet I feel like I’m not doing enough. Why is that?

If you’re subscribed to the monthly newsletter, you may have noticed that this month it didn’t arrive yet? I simply couldn’t find the energy (I know). Is there shame in admitting that I’m (still very enthusiastic, but also) tired? I don’t think so.
Are there more important things than sending a newsletter on time? Of course there are. There’s the weekly post.
And there’s life. Which sometimes gets in the way of the weekly post. This goes for myself as well as other contributors.
Sometimes I have to shuffle articles to allow contributors a little extra time. Which is totally fine. But yes, you do need extra articles to shuffle with.

Top tip: prepare blogposts in advance

Right. Excellent advice and I was doing great with that, too. But what if work/life gets a little crazy for say, a couple of months and you’ve used up all your neatly prepared posts? Okay, everyone start panicking!
No, don’t worry, there are some wonderful interviews and contributions coming up (really really good ones that I’m more than a little excited about). I just can’t tell you exactly when they will be on yet.

Oh I can already share that October will be ‘event month’: I’ll be attending the Meet the Blogger conference and Dutch Design Week! Really looking forward to meeting up with old friends and new people and getting inspired by fresh designs. Of course I’ll be sharing my experiences with you!
And there’s the monthly Urban Jungle Bloggers topic :)

But yes, I could use a little break (what gave it away? ;)). Which I didn’t have at all this year (remember I made this ebook in summer?). So I’m having one this Christmas: just me, my man, our three cats, lots of blankets, Netflix and good oldfashioned homemade food. Sounds like heaven to me!

Right, that’s quite enough about me for now. What’s happening in your life?